Medical Supplies
Slightly Used Suction Machine
Slightly used suction machine ready for selling location -A.A
Medical Supplies
Medical Air Mattress
Medical Air Mattress The original bed sore prevention solution – hospital & home mattress topper – includes waterproof, heat resistant ulcer cushion pad & whisper…
Medical Supplies
Rechargeable Portable Oxygen Concentrator
Rechargeable Portable Oxygen Concentrator
Medical Supplies
የልብ ምትን እና የኦክስጅን መጠንን መለኪያ
ማለትም የልብ ምትን እና የኦክስጅን መጠንን ለመለካት የሚረዳ በተለይ በቤት ዉስጥ ኦክስጅን ለሚጠቀሙ ለልብ ህመም ታካሚዎች
Medical Supplies
Wrist Sleeve Support’s
Wrist Sleeve Support’s unique design according to human body engineering equipped with pressurized elastic, tightness
Medical Supplies
Open Knee Support Sleeve With Straps
Open Knee Support Sleeve With Straps one knee Two knees
Medical Supplies
AULEX Finger Separator & Rehabilitation Trainer
AULEX Finger Separator & Rehabilitation Trainer – Hand Recovery Tool for Stroke Patients, Elderly with Hemiplegia, Joint Bending Correction – Includes Shoulder Strap, Magic Tape…